How to Protect Clothes from Mold and Fungus This Monsoon


We need to
keep several precautions during the monsoon. These precautions are meant for
health and lifestyle. While you need to live carefully to stay healthy, you
also need to keep your clothes safe from molds and fungus. But you don’t need
to worry as there are ways to keep clothes safe during monsoon.

clothes in sun

Sunshine is
the greatest disinfectant. But sunshine is not available during the rainy season.
Use the sunlight even it appears for a few hours. You should also keep your
door and open during the sunny days. It will not only disinfect the room also
removes the musty smell.

Use Silica

Silica gel
is also very useful during the monsoon. Pouches of silica gel can be put
between the clothes or the cupboards. It absorbs the moisture and stops fungus
and mold from growing. Silica gel is quite popular among those willing to save
clothes from fungus and mildew during monsoon.

Wash Clothes
with Vinegar

could be of great help in keeping your clothes free from mold during the
monsoon. You should add 3 to 4 cups of vinegar in every wash and soak your
clothes in it. Vinegar has natural ability to remove mold patches and stingy

Use Hot

Washing your
clothes with hot water is a great way to remove mold spores. However, you can
also use the sanitize or germ-killing setting available on some machines. Using
hot water is one of the cheapest remedies you can use to protect fungus from
clothes during the monsoon.

Remove it
with Lemon and Salt

You can keep
your clothes fungus free by using some household material like lemon and salt.
What you need to do is to prepare a thick paste of it and rub it on the
affected area. Wash the clothes and dry. It will remove the fungus, mold and
mildew from your clothes.

Use Borax for
Fungus Removal

Borax can
also be used for removing fungus from your clothes. It is commonly available in
powder form. You need to dissolve the powder in water and apply it on fungus
affected part. This treatment is quite popular for the fungus removal.

Remove it With

Neem is a
natural disinfectant. Use it for the fungus removal from your clothes during
monsoon. Put some leaves of neem between your clothes and it will keep the
fungus away.

Use a Light

You can also
use a light bulb inside your cupboard. It will keep the clothes warm and deny
ideal temperature for growth of the fungus. It is one of the commonly used
methods protecting clothes from fungus.

Place Chalk
in Cupboard

monsoon damp is almost everywhere including your cupboard. But you can soak the
damp using chalk sticks. You can place chalk sticks in damp area of cupboard. It
stops damp and stop fungus and mold from flourishing.

Store it Well

During monsoon
even a good quality closet becomes moist. So, before putting the clothes in
cupboard, you must make sure that it is not moist. The damp walls allow fungi
to grow. So, you should check it before storing your clothes. Don’t store damp
clothes in closet.

Mold Killing

You can also
use mold killing detergents available in the market. These detergents are available
under different names in the local stores. If you are not able to find them on
local stores, you can buy them online.

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