How to Choose the Right Coworking Space in Delhi


Are a you a small business owner looking for a fancy office space in Delhi,
or a startup looking for a coworking space in Delhi? If you are one, then you
might be considering several options. As there are countless options available
in Delhi NCR, finding the right space is a difficult decision. But there are
certain tips that can help you find the right shared office in Delhi.

Coworking spaces are a big business these days. According to a study by Next Move Strategy Consulting, Global Co-Working Space market is all set to generate an estimated USD 24.00 Billion by 2030. This sector generated USD 6.89 billion in 2021 alone.

Asses Your Requirements

Before considering different coworking spaces in Delhi NCR, you should
know your requirement first. Most of such facilities charges for each
workstation. So, if you are a startup that is currently working with a small
number of employees but you have plans to expand your team, then you should
look for a coworking space that can meet your current requirements with a
potential to accommodate your future needs.

Take a Trial

The best way to find an ideal coworking space is to take a trial. While
most of the working spaces offers monthly, quarterly or yearly subscription,
some coworking spaces also offers one day pass for a small amount. You should
take this pass and spend a day before considering it for a long-term
association. It should consider it while looking for ways on how to hire the
right coworking space in Delhi.  

Location Matters

Location matters, and it matters a lot. You should look whether the
location is well connected for commute. If the location is not well connected
it will be hard to hire the good talent. If this coworking space in Delhi is in
a locality where your most of the employees stay then it is better. If your
business requires customer to visit your office then a good location would be
an added advantage. If your visitors find it easy to visit your office, your
business is bound to grow.


Budget is a major factor business take into account while hiring a
coworking space in Delhi. You must consider whether the shared office is
comfortably within your budget. If you are someone who don’t afford a costly
coworking space then you should look for some cheaper options. If you are a
freelancer than you can still manage from your home. If you are a startup, then
you might have some secure funding. Still you. Most of the coworking spaces in
Delhi keep providing introductory offers. You should check whether you can find
a cheaper deal.


Timing is another major factor you must take into account and you should
get clarity on that. It is not an issue if you are working normal shifts. The
problem starts when you work late night shift and the working space doesn’t
operate beyond normal working hours. Sometimes even if it operates, there is
not enough staff to provide you services. You should talk to coworking spaces
regarding the same to avoid any inconvenience. Timing is one of the most important
considerations if you searching for tips for how to hire the right coworking
space in Delhi.


While looking for a shared office space in Delhi NCR, you should also
know about the tenants occupying that property. Having some good tenant allows
enough opportunity to network. If the property is occupied by some of the cash
rich businesses then it is an ideal situation for freelancers as well as well
as business to business companies. Here freelancers can network to get working

High Speed Internet

Looking for the tips on how to hire the right coworking space in Delhi
then the internet is one of the major things you should consider. It is one of
the most essential facilities you need to have. Hire an office space that offers
unlimited high-speed internet with WiFi so that your work goes uninterrupted.
Most of such facilities in Delhi offer good internet and WiFi connectivity, but
we advise you to check it on your own. A simple speed test can help you check
the reality. It should also be on the list of how to hire the right coworking
space in Delhi.

Power Backup

Uninterrupted power supply is common in Delhi but there are times when
you have to face power cuts. Maintenance, technical issues and natural
disasters may be the culprits. So, you should ensure that the workspace has
sufficient power backup to meet your requirements during long power cuts. You
must ask about the kind of power backup the workspace offers. Whether they have
inverter, solar power or diesel generators?  The power back must make into the list of questions
in the list of how to hire the right coworking space in Delhi.


For better productivity you should start your day with motivation and
positive vibes. A good office space should design in a way that it should
provide positive energy. A lot of work is being done to create beautiful
spaces. Such a space should be eco-friendly, eye-catching and filled with
positive energy. It is what an employee requires for good start of the day.


As you are paying a monthly rent, you can expect several amenities in
Delhi. Amenities like conference room and free WiFi are OK, but you can expect
amenities like free tea/coffee, mineral water, cafeteria, lounge area, parking
and print access. In short, there should be basic amenities to boost your
productivity. You should must ask about amenities while hiring the right
coworking space in Delhi.

Conference Rooms

While renting out a coworking space in Delhi, you should check whether
this workspace offer conference room facility. Most of these spaces have this
facility but still you should check as you need it often for meetings and

Support Staff

Most of the small businesses hiring a shared office space in Delhi don’t
carry support staff of your own. And it is the responsibility of coworking
space to provide support staff. Sometimes you have to send a boy at the
entrance to receive food or courier or any small help. So, you should check
whether a help staff is available. It should be an important point in how to
hire the right coworking space in Delhi.


With environment we mean both- outside and inside environment. Because
environment has a lot to do with the productivity and efficiency. You should
check where proper natural light comes to workspace. What kind of area is it?
Crowded? Noisy? Calm?

Read the Contract Carefully

While renting a shared office space you should read the contract
carefully. Get clarity on prices and amenities available in your package. Check
the services available under the packages. If you have doubts about any clause,
you should seek clarity on that. You should also know the details about the
deposits and refundable. It is a valuable tip on how to hire the right coworking
space in Delhi.


As you staff will go there to work daily you must assess that the
coworking is space is safe. If it is not safe for your staff then you should
look for some other options. There are areas in Delhi that are not considered
safe after dark. You must avoid these areas while renting a coworking space in
Delhi. You should check whether the area is monitored by CCTVs. Are there
enough security professionals to guard the main entries and exits? Is there any
alarm for an emergency security situation?


Flexibility has been a major issue for employees. They want a workplace
where they can change seats as they wish. They wish to do it to break monotony.
There are employees who changes their seats for scenery, window or even
lighting. They believe that such a change will boost their productivity. So,
you should look for a coworking space which is flexible with seating
arrangements. It should be one of the major inclusions in your how to hire the
right coworking space in Delhi.


Besides all the networking opportunity, a coworking space offers there
are some moments when complete privacy is required. You should look for a
coworking space in Delhi that have enough provisions for turning an open work
station into private one. If there is no such provision, then there should be
cabins to allow complete privacy.


You may find it little exaggeration but toilets must be taken into
consideration. It is the place where the employees go to attend the nature’s
call and freshen up. So, the toilets should be modern and filled with all the
amenities. Check whether these toilets are regularly cleaned. Visiting the
toilets once before renting out is a good idea. Filthy toilets are a strict no,

Trial Period

Most of the shared office space in Delhi looks great on first visit. But
the reality starts sinking as you rent them out. What if you have signed the
contract and property is not good enough. To avoid this, you should request a
trial of few days. Some of the good working spaces in Delhi are offering free
or paid trial for a few days.

VOIP Phone Lines

There are some businesses that require calling. Such businesses require
VOIP phone lines. call centres, travel industries, and several other industries
where client interaction is required needs VOIP phones. So, if your business
also falls under this category, then you should ensure that this workspace has
VOIP phone lines.

Customer Service

While hiring a coworking space in Delhi you should consider whether it
has a customer service. There are times when you have to complain about
electricity, internet, water and other issues. Here a customer service takes
your call and communicate the matter to the concerned department.

Hidden Cost

There are some coworking spaces in Delhi that don’t reveal the hidden
costs. At the time of renting out, they say internet is free but afterward they
say the internet is free upto a particular data limit and usage beyond the
limit will be chargeable. In the similar vein, they say that tea/coffee is
free. Later it is revealed that you can take a limited number of cups for free
after that it will be chargeable. So, you should clearly ask about the hidden
charges if any before signing the agreement. It should be in your checklist on
how to hire the right coworking space in Delhi.

Safety Lockers

Even if you are hiring a coworking space you might be looking for some
sort of privacy. You can’t leave your essential documents lying open the desk.
You can’t leave the valuable business documents at place where everyone can see
it. So, you should check whether the coworking space is offering safety lockers
where you can lock your documents while leaving.


Are you a single mom or a couple who don’t want to leave your child at
home? If yes, you must look for a coworking space with creche facility. There
are several coworking spaces in Delhi that also offers creche facility. Check
whether the creche have enough facilities for your small child.

Community Events

Some of the good coworking spaces keep organizing coworking events
throughout the year. They organize community luncheons, A/B testing sessions,
and several other fun activities. So, before renting out a shared office space
in Delhi you should check whether it organizes such events. If yes, you should
check its social calendar. Such activities offer enough opportunity to network
and rejuvenate. So, it should be on your how to choose the right coworking
space in Delhi checklist.


Food is an essential requirement for every individual, and your
employees are no exception. Those who come for work will also look for a food
outlet for breakfast and lunch. Do check that the supposed coworking space in
Delhi has a cafeteria. Are there enough dining options around? In case there is
a cafeteria, are the prices reasonable? You have to ensure that there are
enough dining options available in vicinity as not every employee is brining
food from home.


Coworking spaces with too much noise is not suited for the good work. Here
different coworking spaces have different noise rules. Some workspaces observe
no noise policy, some allows a noise upto a decent level while some leave it to
occupants. You have the option to choose a space that best suits you.


Believe it or not but lighting can make or spoil the mood of your
employees. Some people like bright light, some dim light and some like anything
in between. But most of them look for a lighting that is good for eyes.
Improper lighting will lead to headaches and strain to eyes. So the lighting should
also be on your how to hire the right coworking space in Delhi.


Most of the people like to have greenery at their workspaces. You should
check whether this shared office space in Delhi has access to greenery. See if
the working space has a lawn of its own. There are plants that can be kept
inside. Check where the property has potted plants.

Breakout Spaces

The employees of today look for breakout space. These spaces help
employees destress and share their thoughts with other employees. Breakout
space is not just limited to cafeteria and conference rooms but it could also
include be lounge and gaming areas. If you also have a liking for breakout
space then this question should also  be
on how to choose the right coworking space in Delhi.

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