Motorcycle accidents are very common. And it is one of the most
unfortunate things to happen to anybody. It leads to injuries and even loss of
lives in some cases. Unfortunately, if you have met such an accident then the
first thing that should be in your mind is seeking medical attention while
seeking legal assistance should be next as it safeguards your interests. Simply
search motorcycle accident lawyers near me and you will be flooded with

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Reasons to Hire a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Do you, or any of your relatives, have just met an accident while riding
a motorcycle. And you are in a dilemma whether or not to hire an attorney. As
per expert opinions, you should be the next thing to do after getting medical
attention. Here we give compelling reasons why hiring the best motorcycle
accident lawyer is the right thing to do.

Helps You Decide Compensation

After an accident, you might be eager to know whether you deserve
compensation or not. If you deserve compensation then how much. If you are at
fault then you might think that you are not entitled to compensation. It may
seem a natural decision but, in some cases, you may be deserving a small
compensation that an experienced lawyer might get for you. These small
settlements may come in handy in paying hospital bills and repairing your bike.

Without a good motorcycle attorney, you may end up settling for a small
compensation or no compensation at all. Good legal help on your side will help
you get what you deserve.

Helps Filing a Claim

Once injuries are taken care of, the next thing is filing a claim. An
attorney knows what compensation you deserve and how this compensation should
be claimed. He will explain the process to you and as per your approval, he
will proceed further. The first step is negotiating with the motorcycle
insurance provider. Your claims can be settled at this stage. In cases when
negotiation doesn’t go well, he may take the matter to the court. In a
nutshell, he will make sure that you will get the appropriate claim.

Clarifies Question and Queries

An experienced lawyer may have handled several cases like yours, so he
is able to provide an answer to all your queries. You might have several
questions regarding the accident. Whether claims will be processed or not.
Whether you will be compensated for bodily injuries or not. An appropriate
answer to these processes is required as these may spoil your chances of
getting compensation. Besides, having a lawyer on your side will make sure that
everything will be done right.

Motorcycle Accident Law Firm

Negotiating Right

Negotiating for settlement is not an easy task, as insurance companies
also have a team of lawyers. So, you must have an experienced motorcycle crash
lawyer to negotiate with them. Most of them have been in business for several
years and you can’t match their expertise on your own. Here a motorcycle wreck
lawyer will negotiate on your behalf. Through years of experience, he knows how
to convince them for an appropriate settlement.

Defends Wrong Blames on You

There are times when a motorcyclist is wrongly blamed for an accident.
Imagine a situation when you are riding your motorcycle in your lane following
all the traffic rules and suddenly a car enters your lane. You ram into the car
and the responsibility of the accident is shifted on you. You are held guilty
for no-fault. Here your motorcycle accident attorney defends you in court so
that you can’t get punished in court.

Accidents Due to Bad Roads

Sometimes accidents also happen due to bad roads and motorcyclists are
not at all at fault. In such a case, you can file a case against the bodies
maintaining that road. Proving the fault of these bodies could be really
difficult unless you have the best motorcycle accident attorney on your side.

Representing You in Court

Sometimes despite best efforts, you can’t reach a settlement and you
think that they are not giving you a justifiable offer. In such a scenario you
have very few options but to approach the court. In this circumstance, a
knowledgeable motorcycle accident lawyer will represent you in court. He will
collect all the evidence and present them in court in a convincing manner.
These efforts will help you get the right settlement.

Allows You to Focus on Recovery

There are times when you get a minor injury and recover soon but at
times the accident is severe and you have to get admitted to the hospital for
complete recovery. Meanwhile, your accidental claims suffer as there is no one
to look after them. Here hiring a motorcycle wreck lawyer will help you a lot.
He will look after the settlement while you are recovering from injuries.

Motorcycle Accident Attorney

How to Find the Best Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

You need to treat with a lot of caution while looking for a motorcycle
accident lawyer. Getting a claim, pleading innocence, and safeguarding your
rights depends a lot upon an attorney. Here we suggest ways to find the best

Know About Education

An attorney who is registered with a local bar association is
necessarily a qualified attorney. What you need to know if he has done any
specialized course that gives him the ability to fight motorcycle accident
cases. Has he been graduated from a reputed law school? An attorney that
specializes in such cases should be given preference.

Ask About Experience

Having a good education is right but it is a practice that makes them
perfect. You should know if the motorcycle accident attorney you are choosing
has sufficient experience. How many years he has spent handling cases? How many
cases they have handled and what has been the success rate. Based on these
criteria you can make the right decision.

Communication Style

While hiring a lawyer you should also check his communication style. A
lawyer should be extremely good with communication as this skill comes in handy
while negotiating a settlement with insurance companies, representing you in
court, or explaining complex legal matters to you. You should check whether he
is patiently listening to you. Is he able to strike a rapport with you? There
should be a sense of comfort between you and your attorney. Don’t hire him if
you are not comfortable working with him.

Find One Near You

Location is one of the most important factors while selecting an
attorney. You should prefer a competent attorney which is not living far from
here. You should give preference to a lawyer nearby as you have to consult him
every now and often on key matters. You can easily find a nearby lawyer. Just
key in motorcycle accident lawyer near me and you will be provided with various

Motorcycle accident attorney in the usa


The reputation of professionals matters and it becomes more important
when it a motorcycle accident lawyer. If an attorney has won a good number of
cases, then it is not necessary that he will win your case too but it is surely
an indicator of his abilities as a lawyer. There are several websites where
people voice their opinion about motorcycle law firms. You should consult these
websites and forums.

Ask for References

You are not the only one who has met with a motorcycle accident. Several
of your friends and relatives may have gone through the same phase. They also
have hired some attorneys to solve their cases and now they could be better
guides for you. Why not seek references from them. Ask them about the best
motorcycle accident attorney who can handle your case efficiently and they will
surely come up with some reference. 

Also Read

Things to Do After a Motorcycle Accident

Accidents can happen anytime and they happen most when you expect them
the least. As per NHTSA data motorcycle accidents claimed 5,014 lives in the US
in 2019. This data is frightening and maybe indicating motorcyclists to be
extra careful on road. But even after been extra careful you can’t rule out the
accidents. As no one is prepared for these unfortunate events, they are not
able to take important steps to safeguard their interest. Here is what to do
after a motorcycle accident.

Ensure Safety

Safety should be your ultimate priority. If you have a slight injury,
major injury, and no injury at all you should try to bring yourself out of the
accident site as you are on the road in the mid of traffic. If anyone also is
involved you should also take them out of traffic. It is the first step after a
motorcycle crash.

Wait for Paramedics

If you are injured, you should wait for paramedics. Meanwhile, you
should make sure that you are wearing protective gear like a helmet. You might
be feeling an urge to remove it but don’t do it as your safety is concerned.

Motorcycle Attorney

Call the Police

Once you have called the paramedics you should also call the police on
911 so that a complaint can be filed. Complaint filing with police has a
significant role in processing your claims. The police will collect all the
evidence and file complaints about the motorcycle crash.

Collect the Evidence

As you wait for the paramedics and police to come you should collect
evidence. It is the work of law enforcement agencies to come and collect the
evidence. But sometimes they make an error in evidence collection. You should
seek the contact information of other drivers and those present there. You
should also know the insurance number and vehicle number of the other driver
involved. Sometimes drivers try to flee the accident scene when they know it is
their fault. Even the best motorcycle attorney can’t do much unless they have
evidence. You should use your mobile’s camera to record photographic evidence.

Get Medical Help

After calling paramedics and police the next thing you should do is to
medical help. There are times when there are no visible marks of injury and you
think that you are perfectly OK. Even then you should consult a doctor to
examine you. Some injuries are not visible and symptoms take long to appear. A
doctor examines you through the standard procedure to ensure no harm has been
done due to a bike accident done.

Speak with Your Lawyer and Insurance Provider

Once your injury has been managed you should contact a good motorcycle
wreck lawyer who after assessing all the aspects of the accident will suggest a
course of action so that you can get appropriate compensation. Just type
motorcycle accident lawyers near me and you will be served with various
options. Your lawyers will talk to your insurance company on your behalf.

Having a lawyer on your side is important as you may be contacted by
your insurance company. They have adjusters who will ask you tricky questions
and if you make errors in answers, you will be offered a very small claim

Motorcycle Law Attorney

Major Reasons for Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are very common. We get injured, lose our near ones
and see them get disabled. As these accidents have so much impact on our lives,
you might be curious to know the major reasons behind it. Here we list the
major causes of motorcycle accidents.

Turns Left

There are times when you are riding a motorcycle and a car comes from
the opposite direction and turns left. The crash happens as the driver is not
paying attention. Such accidents can be averted if the driver is careful.

Lane Changing

A motorcyclist is driving in his lane when a car comes from behind and
enters the motorcycle’s lane without noticing the motorcycle. Due to sudden
arrival of the car in the motorcycle’s path causes an imbalance to the
motorcycle that leads to a crash.

Hitting from Behind

A motorcyclist stops at a red-light signal and a car comes from behind
and hits it as it didn’t stop in time. It may not be much harmful to the car
but it proves lethal for the motorcyclist. Such accidents can be avoided with a
little attention from the driver. Most of the time it appears as the fault of
the motorcyclist but an able motorcycle accident lawyer can explain it in court

Opening the Door

Imagine a situation when a motorcyclist is passing through a lane beside
a car parking and someone inside the car opens the door all of sudden that
comes into the motorcycle’s path. The motorcycle rams into it. Those in the car
should see the rear mirror before opening the doors.

Riding in the Group

Some motorcycle accidents happen while riding in a group. When you are
riding in a group with several motorcycles and one of the motorcycles stops
then the rest of the motorcycle pile up. Motorcyclists who don’t know how to
ride in a group could be dangerous. Even such a crash happens to you, a good motorbike
accident lawyer will suggest to you what to do next.

Skidding at the Corners

There are times when a motorcyclist is driving at normal speed and about
to take a turn at the corner without noticing that there is a pile of sand or
an open pothole and the bike skids. Such accidents can be avoided by paying

Further Reading:

Personal Injury Lawyer – Attorney to Deal with Personal Injury

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