Saturday Motivation – 7 Books to Enjoy Reading on Weekends


Do we need Saturday motivation books? Why not? You might think it is the weekend, so no motivation is needed. But great people think otherwise. As Saturday is the beginning of the weekend, it sets the tone for the weekend. By being motivated you can spend these days to revive, relax and recharge your batteries. A weekend well spent makes our weekday interesting, high performing and productive. Apart from the working days, our leisure days also need to be well spent. There is no dearth of motivational material for weekends but books are known for their lasting effects. Here we are listing 7 books on Saturday motivation. Enjoy a leisurely read.

Saturday motivation


Declutter Your Mind: How to Stop Worrying, Relieve Anxiety, and Eliminate Negative Thinking by S.J. Scott

Saturday motivation could be different from the motivation on weekdays. As it is the weekend you have more time to read and grasp the subject. So why not read something that brings some qualitative changes in your life. Declutter Your Mind by S.J. Scott is one such book written with the purpose to bring some qualitative permanent changes in your life. Are you feeling overwhelmed with negative thoughts then this book has just been written for you? The book offers several innovative mindfulness techniques to bring inner peace, calmness and happiness in your life.

The book tries to find out the reasons behind the mental clutter and suggest ways to declutter it. It suggests some time-tested technique for decluttering your mind that includes deep breathing, meditation, reframing negative thoughts and teaching your mind new thoughts. Apart from the personal improvement, our pick as the right book for Saturday motivation also shows how to prioritize your life and declutter your surroundings and relationships.

Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life by Héctor García

Since its release, Ikigai by Hector Garcia has been one of the favorite books for many. In the Japanese language, the word ikigai means a reason to live. The book that decodes the secret of a great life is an excellent read for the weekend. So, its addition to our least of Saturday motivation books seems

Hector Garcia defines Ikigai as the meeting point of ambition, desires, needs and satisfaction. A great balance at that point could be the key to happiness and longevity. Perhaps it is why the Japanese have a high life expectancy.

The book is beautifully studded with useful, interesting and engaging content that makes a reader feel like reading this book from cover to cover. The book teaches you how to stay young while aging and reveals secrets to hold your age. Among other contents of this book are live long and find your purpose, and how spare time can be used for growth.

Author Hector Garcia has tried to know the secrets of longevity from the people who lived a long life. From diet to exercise and facing life’s challenges, this book has everything to be your motivational book for Saturday.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck brings a paradigm shift to a world which is highly obsessed with positivity. Mark Manson has been a blogger and he has his own take on life and motivation. The book suggests that you shouldn’t worry about everything, instead focus on the thing that is close to your heart.

The author tells the truth and adopts a practical approach when he says that not everyone in society is extraordinary and we should know our limitations. It is only by knowing your limitations, shortcomings and fears we can start exploring the positive attributes of our life. He says that not everything is in our
reach so we should start focusing on the things that we have talent and capability for. The book has several interesting stories that help you  understand the concepts.

So, if you are someone who is ready to face the truth while looking for improvement then this book should be the part of your Saturday motivation reading list.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Men make habits and habits make them. it is the crux of Atomic Habits by James Clear. As per book you can change your destiny by changing habits. His book says that you can bring big transformation to your life by changing small things in your life what the author call them atomic habits. He doesn’t expect an overnight transformation in your habits, instead he advocates that 1 percent changes daily can bring compounding effects over a period of time.

In this book, the author illustrates on the power of atomic habits, their importance and how they take shape. He goes on to say how can you develop these habits that can have a great effect on your life. We thought that the book with such an interesting correlation between habits and success could be a natural choice for our list of Saturday motivation books.

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do by Amy Morin

Mental toughness is another attribute you should excel at. It is one of the personality traits that everyone wants to have. It is why we have listed it as one of the top books on Saturday motivation. No doubt this book has always been in demand. This book lists and elaborates the major attributes of mentally tough people.

As per the author, one of the top attributes of successful people is that they don’t pity themselves for their situations.  They also don’t allow others to take control of them. mentally strong people are welcoming to change. Such people also understand how to use their energy for maximum output and don’t use them on things that are beyond their control.In addition to that, there are several other pieces of advice that make it an excellent book for Saturday motivation.

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

We didn’t have to think for long to include it in the best books for Saturday motivation. Several books have been written on this subject but this book still holds great importance. Whether you are a working professional, a businessman or a student, you may get worried at times. The book offers several tips that can help come out from the situations like this.

The book draws several real-life examples of how people have handled worry and stress and came out successful. The book helps you see your problem in the right perspective, analyze your problem to find effective solutions. As per the author, time solves some of the problems. This is one of the books that is
still relevant after several decades of publication.

The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck

If you are someone who doesn’t want to solve a problem and avoid it continuously then this habit may come in the way of your growth. If you are also someone doing this and want to correct it then M. Scott Peck has a recipe for you. The author who has been a psychologist puts this problem in the right perspective and offers solutions for it. And people are loving his solutions. The book has been a bestseller and its demand still refuses to die.

The author discusses the complex subject of relationships. He makes you understand the fine line between dependency and love. The book has been written in a way to help you see life, love and the world in a different perspective. No doubt we have chosen it as one of the best books on Saturday motivation.

Also Read

Friday Motivation – 7 Books to Help You Get More Successful

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