Qualities of a Dentist – 30 Qualities that Make Him Apart


can’t even imagine good oral health unless you keep visiting a dentist. The
importance of dentists can be imagined with the fact that the U.S. dental
services market size is US$ 109.28 billion in 2020 and is supposed to reach
around US$ 196.18 billion by 2027.
is no dearth of dentists but finding one who is perfectly suited for the job is
nothing short of a challenge. It is why people seek information on what should
they look into a dentist or the top qualities of a good dentist. Here we would
be listing top qualities of a good dentist.


are adequately qualified

the right qualification is essential. There is no compromise over it. You
should check whether your dentist is adequately qualified. Your dentist should
be DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) or DMD (Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry). If
you are looking for a specialist dentist, you should also make sure that he has
done proper specialization. Pediatric dentistry, orthodontics and endodontics
are some of the major specializations.

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have good experience

it comes to providing oral care, nothing equals experience. A good dentist
works with reputed hospitals before starting their own dental office. Their
experience makes sure that he has done his share of trial and error and have
achieved a certain level of perfection before working independently. By getting
the experience he makes sure that patients’ oral health is in safe hands.

are licensed

good dentist doesn’t start practicing without taking a license. The government
authorities issue such a license only after examining whether the dentist meets
the criteria for practicing on their own. Dentists with proper licenses instill
trust in patients that they are being treated by a licensed dentist. Patients
can check the license of a dentist from government websites.

have manual dexterity

mouth is a very small area and a dentist have to work in a very small space.
So, he should have manual dexterity. A dentist should have a great hand-eye
coordination. Such a skill helps them coordinate the movement of different
tools inside your mouth cavity.

are detail oriented

dentist should be detail-oriented. Good dentists are known for precision and
precision comes from attention to detail. They go through the finest details of
your treatment. They try to know history, previous treatment and test performed
so that they can have a better idea about your teeth condition. Such
information helps them decide on a good treatment strategy.

are good communicators

skills are essential for professionals, no matter which profession they are in.
Likewise, your dentists should also be good communicators. Good dentists make
patients feel that they really care about them. Establishing such a rapport
requires being good at communication.

are good learners

field of dentistry is changing fast. New equipment, implants, and treatment
techniques are coming to the fore. Good dentists always keep looking for new
things to learn in dentistry. There are several institutes that keep launching
workshops and learning opportunities for practicing dentists. A good dentist
enrolls himself to update his knowledge.

are a good artist

might have a question like if dentistry is a science, then why dentists need to
be an artist? Don’t get confused as we are clearing the air around it. As a
dentist, you have to give your clients a loving smile and it is here your
artistic side comes into play. Being good at art helps you take care of the
aesthetic side of dentistry.

are polite and patient

and patience are essential traits for most professions and dentistry is no
exception. A good dentist is always polite while dealing with patients. They
have to show a lot of patience while dealing with children, adults and those in
pain. They listen to them carefully before answering their questions.

have a clean office

dentist’s office should be neat, clean and well organized. Apart from the
office space, their equipment too should be clean and sterilized. A dirty
dentist’s office may lead to infections. The American Dental Association (ADA) has clear guidelines about it. As the threat of the
Covid-19 pandemic is still looming large, a clean dentist’s office is no more a
luxury but a necessity. So cleanliness is an important quality of a good

They respect your time

dentists are always respectful towards others’ time. So, when you book an
appointment with such a dentist you can rest assured that he will turn up on
time. They have people to schedule your meeting. They say time is money, so you
should give preference to those who respect your time. Isn’t punctuality a good

are empathetic

is one of the top qualities for anyone related to health or dental care. A good
dentist talks to the patient about whether they are comfortable or in pain.
Such a dentist makes sure that the treatment process is completed without pain.

are transparent

is the key to any business and it is also expected from a dentist. A dentist
should maintain complete transparency in providing treatment. He involves the
patient in decision-making. He informs the patient about the situation and the
different treatment options available before them. it is an important trait for
dentists as well.

have a good sense of judgment

fine sense of judgment is also a major quality of a good dentist. Dentists work
with sharp instruments in a very small area in your mouth. So, they should have
a fine sense of judgment. Any error in judgment on their part will lead to
complexities in your oral cavity. It is expected from the dentist that they
will make good judgments to ensure your overall oral health.

love their profession

you don’t love your profession, you can’t do justice to it. it is valid for all
professions. Being in love with the profession is one of the major qualities of
a good dentist. This love inspires him to stay updated with the recent trends
in dentistry and come up with pathbreaking solutions.

are open to adopting technology

field of dentistry is increasingly getting technology-intensive and by not
adopting it a dentist would be doing a huge injustice to his patients. So,
being open to adopting new technologies is one of the major qualities of a
great dentist.

have a great reputation

comes from good work and it is valid for dentists as well. As they have served
their patients better, they have a great reputation. You can ask about their
reputation from their former patients. Online forums are also a good place to
know about your prospective dentist’s reputation.

don’t sell unnecessary products

selling unnecessary products is one of the important qualities of a dentist.
They don’t try to sell products that are not necessary for you. Instead, they
only recommend what best suits your requirements. They evaluate what products
are covered by your insurance package and they recommend accordingly.

care about their associates

successful dental clinic requires a team effort. Right from attendants to
counselors to X-ray technicians to dental hygienists, everyone is part of the team. A
good dentist knows how to care about his team. He knows that unless the staff
is happy, they can’t give their best.

are leaders

dentists work independently or within a dental clinic setup. So, they lead a
team of technicians, hygienists and even counselors. Apart from that, they look
for other things like licensing and making business decisions. Not to mention,
leadership is also a major quality of a dentist.

are flexible

dentists are flexible and they are ready to change as per requirements. So,
when you complain to them that a particular treatment plan is not working, they
don’t show any rigidity and devise a new treatment strategy.

believe in perseverance

in any filed including dentistry doesn’t come overnight. It needs perseverance.
A good dentist understands it. He keeps putting in hard work, keeps learning
new things and waiting for results. They stay motivated throughout the process.

are good at problem-solving

from the education and training, a good dentist should also be good at
problem-solving. There are times when they have to take quick decisions. Here
doctors with good problem-solving skills are better fitted to handle this

have easy appointment booking options

of the major qualities of good dentists is that they make appointment booking
easy. They have an excellent arrangement for appointment booking over the
phone, email or even self-booking via portals. They have accommodating office
staff that gives appointments as and when required.

provide excellent emergency care

efficient emergency care is one of the top qualities of a good dentist. They
are available around the clock to provide relief to patients in distress.
People who have children at home are particularly prone to emergency medical
situations. Most of the time dental emergencies involve trauma to teeth,
chipped teeth and pain in teeth without any obvious reasons. A good dentist
makes sure that his office is equipped with all the equipment and all
essentials to handle the emergency better.

educate their patients

patients is an important quality of a good dentist. They explain you everything
about your problem. They don’t put you in dark. Instead, they make it clear
what to expect (or not). They give you complete knowledge in a polite way
without being authoritative. If they suggest a treatment regimen, they also
explain why it is needed and how will it be performed. He will also give you
suggestions on how to avoid such a problem in the future. They educate you on
problems that include the following.

  • Oral
    health issues
  • Medical
  • Potential
  • Healthy
    oral health habits

offer reasonably priced solutions

dentists always have a mission to serve their patients better without burning a
hole in their pocket. They know about your insurance plan and do everything to
keep your out-of-pocket expenses small. They also provide a treatment that
lasts long so that their expenses on your treatment can be reduced.

have a conservative approach

dentist believes in conserving your teeth. For them not every tooth is worthy
of root canal therapy or a crown. As per them not every crooked tooth is worth
applying veneer and not every cavity has an immediate requirement of a feeling.
Such dentists are not only good for your teeth but budget as well.

are not in hurry

good dentist is never in hurry. He gives sufficient time to provide you right
treatment even if he has a large number of patients to attend to. They know
that if a patient is not given proper treatment his problems won’t get cured.

are thought leaders

dentists don’t shy away from sharing their knowledge with the dentists’
community. Such a habit positions them as a thought leader in oral health
industry. A dentist who is also a thought leader on some particular topic is
always a good option for you.

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