Diwali Celebrations – Safety tips to make Deepawali a bliss

Diwali, also
called Deepawali, is a major festival of the Hindu community worldwide. The
festival is celebrated with lights, gifts and firecrackers. This year Diwali is
being celebrated on 24 October 2022. The festivities start with Dhanteras which
is being celebrated on 22 October 2022. The festival has a huge following as
you can see the cities drenched in lights. But sometimes the festival which is
known for fun and passion turns into a disaster due to negligence. Here we list
the things to do and not to do to make this Diwali safe.

Diwali Celebrations- Diya



  • It is better to
    avoid burning firecrackers. But if you are not able to control the urge you
    should do it following precautions.
  • While burning
    firecrackers you should burn them in open spaces only. Burning them in close
    areas may lead to fire or disasters.
  • While burning a
    firecracker, make sure that there is no combustible or inflammatory material
    around. As sparks from the firecrackers are uncontrolled, these materials can
    catch fire.
  • While buying
    firecrackers make sure you are only buying the right kind of firecrackers.
    Green firecrackers are in vogue recently. Also, ensure that you are buying from
    authentic sources. Most governments issues license for selling firecrackers.
  • If you have
    bought a firecracker that you have not used before, you should read the
    instructions thoroughly
  • Keep a bucket of
    water ready while lighting firecrackers.
  • If you have
    bought firecrackers a few days before Diwali then you should store it in a
    container far from kids and inflammatory or combustive materials.
  • While burning
    firecrackers ensure that you are not wearing loose silk clothes as they may
    catch fire. Well-fitted cotton clothes are ideal for this. Don’t forget to put
    on footwear.
  • If you are fond
    of long hair, make sure you have tied them properly while you are burning
  • If your child is
    burning firecrackers, make sure he is doing it under your guidance.
  • If you are
    burning a firecracker that produces a deafening sound, then refrain from
    burning it. If must, use cotton plugs to avoid damage to eardrums.
  • If you are
    suffering from respiratory diseases then don’t stop out and keep the air
    purifier on. If you are living in a big city with a high firecracker burning
    rate then it is better to leave the city and go to a rural area.
  • You should
    dispose of the unused and half-burnt firecrackers safely.

    Dieali - Firecrackers


  • As we have
    already understood what to do, it is time to understand what not to do to stay
    safe while burning firecrackers. These are as follows.
  • Don’t get
    adventurous. Some people make it thrilling by lighting firecrackers in hand. It
    may prove costly.
  • As it is Diwali,
    there might be burning candles and diyas around. You shouldn’t put firecrackers
    near them as they may burn unaware. Burning firecrackers near electric poles
    and wires should also be avoided.
  • Silk and
    synthetic clothes are more prone to catching fire. So, avoid wearing them while
    lighting firecrackers.
  • Don’t light
    firecrackers directly with matchboxes and lighters. Consider using long
    firewood or sparklers that are relatively safer.
  • Don’t try to burn
    a firecracker while inside a vehicle as it may end up in a big accident.
  • Sometimes
    firecrackers don’t burn immediately and you may think that it is dormant. But
    don’t ever try to temper it as it may burst anytime and injure you.


It is no doubt
that Diwali is synonymous with sweets and the demand for sweets is more than
the supply on this day. So some shopkeepers use this opportunity to their
advantage and sell adulterated sweets that may cause harm to our health.


  • Always go to a
    sweet shop that sells fresh sweets. Check the manufacture date if the sweets
    are packed.
  • Some reputed
    sweet shops take pre-orders of the sweets. So, you can also pre-order sweets
    for this occasion.
  • Smells and tastes
    the sweets before buying. Don’t buy them If they are different from their usual
  • Always buy from
    sweet shops that are routinely checked by food security professionals.
  • Different sweets
    have different self-life. So, you should buy them accordingly.
  1. Milk-based sweets
    – 2 Days
  2. Ladoo and khoya –
    4 Days
  3. Ghee and dry
    fruit sweets – 7 Days

    Diwali Sweets


  • Don’t buy sweets
    from a shop that is known for old stock.
  • Khoya sweets can
    be easily adulterated. So, buy it from authentic sweet shops only.
  • Always go to a
    popular sweet shop as usually, they have fresh sweets.
  • Don’t buy from a
    sweet shop that doesn’t allow you to smell or taste before buying.
  • Authorities issue
    licenses to sweet shops. Don’t buy sweets from an unauthorized shop.


As Diwali or
Deepawali is the festival of lights, decorating homes and streets with lights
is a norm. The preparation starts weeks before.


  • Always buy
    lighting and jhalars from authentic sources. Always go for standard products as
    substandard products are prone to catching fire.
  • If you have
    complex lighting to fit, always seek an electrician. An ill-fitted lighting can
    prove disastrous.

    Diwali Decorative Lighting


  • Never allow kids
    to go near electric jhalars. If they go, they should under the supervision of
    an elder.
  • When buying
    lighting and jhalars, don’t go for cheap products. Instead, look for quality
  • Don’t overdo it.
    Have you heard about light pollution?

Earthen lamps or

Diwali has a long
tradition of earthen lamps or diyas. Even the arrival of electric lighting or
jhalars has not replaced it. If these lamps and diyas are lighted carelessly
they may lead to the eruption of fire.


  • Keep diyas or
    lamps away from curtains.
  • Put diyas on flat
    surfaces to keep them in balance.
  • Always use good
    quality diyas.
  • Keep sanitizers
    away from fire.

    Earthen lamps or diyas


  • Don’t put diyas
    near inflammable material.
  • Don’t let
    children or kids go near diyas.
  • Don’t overfill
  • Don’t put diyas
    near doorways or on passages.
  • Don’t apply
    alcohol-based sanitizers on hand before lighting diyas as such sanitizers are

General tips

  • Have a fire
    extinguisher ready.
  • Keep a first aid
    kit ready.
  • Many people seek
    pleasure in alcohol. Don’t do this.
  • If you have pets
    in your home, then take them to a place where outside noise is the least.
  • While you are
    rejoicing in firecrackers make sure you are also fulfilling your responsibility
    towards nature.
  • If you have
    elderly people at home, request them to stay indoors as the air around them
    would be polluted.

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