Construction Accident Lawyer – Relieving the Pain Legally

of your family members have got injured at the construction site? No? Let’s
explain this specialty of lawyers who help workers ensure their rights.
Accidents at construction sites are very common. As per data one in five
accidents happen at construction sites. The results of construction accident
are devastating. These injuries could be life altering and, in most cases, it
results in missed day at work. If you or one of your friends has got injured at
a construction site and suffering the losses then there is a hope for you.
There are adequate laws to provide compensation to construction workers. Here a
construction accident lawyer can help you get adequate compensation. But before
we proceed further, let us understand what a construction accident lawyer is.
Defining Construction Accident Lawyer
A construction accident lawyer is a lawyer or attorney who helps workers
injured at construction sites get the right kind of compensation using the
various provisions in law. He knows how to collect evidence, negotiate to
insurance companies and if necessary, file a claim. They leverage their
expertise over the US and state laws for the benefits of victims.
In other words, you can define a construction accident lawyer as a legal
professional who specializes in construction accident law, workers compensation
law and personal injury law among the others. Such a lawyer has experience in
dealing with the legal aspects of construction site accidents or injuries and
representing client in the court of law.
There are times when a construction worker gets injured at a
construction site due to negligence from the employers. In such a case, a
construction accident lawyer help worker get appropriate compensation.
Why Hire a Construction Accident Lawyer
It is always beneficial to hire a construction accident lawyer following
an accident at the construction site at these lawyers have expert knowledge of
construction accident and personal injury laws. Here we give convincing reasons
why such a lawyer could benefit victims.
Expertise Over Law
There are several federal and state laws regarding the accident at
construction site that may affect your chances of getting the right kind of
compensation. An experience attorney knows well how to use it to get
appropriate level of compensation.
Proper Understanding
The US federal and state laws regarding the construction accident are
complex and peculiar. And if an accident happens, the victim doesn’t know dos
and don’ts. Here a lawyer is needed to interpret the law for you. So even if
you don’t hire a lawyer to represent you in the court, you should consult one
to have a basic understanding of the law.
Helps You with the Document Collection
Your legal options can be best exercised with collection of documents. A
construction accident lawyer knows it what are the essential documents to make
a strong case. Through years of experience, they have developed a resource base
that help get collect these documents without much effort. These documents are
as follows.
- Medical records
- Police reports
- Witness testimonials
- Video and sound recording
- Forensic reports
- Insurance documents
Different Types of Construction Accidents
It would be relevant to know different types of construction accidents.
These are as follows.
It is one of the most common types of accidents. A workers can fall from
roof, ladders, scaffold and other high places that result in injury. An injury
caused due to fall comes under the ambit of construction accident law.
Struck by Accident
If a worker comes into the sudden contact of object or instrument and
get injured then it is called struck by accident. A lawyer can also safeguard
your rights in such a situation.
Faulty Equipment
Faulty equipment does more harm than good and might hurt a worker. It is
one of the major causes of accidents at work. Ill fit hammers, digging tools
and knife may injure you.
Lifting Injuring
A worker may get injured while lifting a heavy load. Some accident sites
may require you to do heavy lifting.
Chemical Exposure
An array of chemicals is used at the construction sites. Most of them
are dangerous. If you or one of your friends has got hurt due to exposure to
these chemicals, then you are entitled to get compensated as per the US labor law. Your
attorney will tell you more in this regard.
Collapsing Surface
There are times when surfaces shift or collapse, posing a serious threat
to workers. If a worker gets injured in such a situation, he is entitled to get
compensation. Hire a construction accident lawyer who will help you in this
Work Vehicle Accidents
Constructions sites have several vehicles. Some of them are carrying raw
materials while others are preparing and mixing material for construction. If a
worker gets hurt by any of these vehicles, then the US law allow him to get
properly compensated.
Loading and Unloading
Accidents also occur due to loading or unloading. There are times when
workers get injured while loading or loading heavy materials at the
construction site. There are adequate provisions to get compensated if an
accident happens.
Falling Objects
Construction workers work at different heights on a construction site.
If a tool or object falls from above and hurts a worker, then he is liable for
compensation. A construction accident lawyer can handle the legal aspect of it.
Electric Accidents
You can’t imagine construction work without the use of electricity. But
the use of electricity is not without its dangers. A damaged wire might lead to
shock or severe electrocution that may put workers life on danger.
Types of Compensations an Injured Worker Can Get
When you file a lawsuit or your lawyer files it, there are certain types
of compensations you are entitled to get. The lawsuit filed for compensation
are called damages. The major damages you can get are as follows.
- You get paid for sufferings due to physical and emotional pain
- You will also be paid for loss of wages
- Your medical expenses- both future and past – will be met out
- In some extreme cases, punitive damages can also be given.
Types of Construction Accident Claims
When it comes to filing for construction accident claims in the US,
different states have different laws. Here we turn spotlight on some of the
major construction accidents filed by workers and law firms.
Personal Injury Lawsuit
A personal injury lawsuit is filed when the worker or victim gets
injured due to the negligence of employer or third party. In other words, this
lawsuit is filed against the person or body responsible for accident. The
lawsuit is meant to provide compensation to the injured for financial losses,
medical expenses and losses due to pain and suffering.
To get the compensation you are required to prove that the party against
whom you have filed the lawsuit is responsible for your injury.
Also read
Personal Injury Lawyer – Attorney to
Deal with Personal Injury
Product Liability Lawsuit
A victim or his attorney can file a product liability lawsuit against
the manufacturer, retailer or distributor of the product that has resulted in
accident at construction site. For example, if a helmet or safety belt breaks,
a victim can file a complaint against its manufacturer.
In other words, the product liability can be filed against any or all
parties involved with the production, if the faulty product has done a damage.
Workers’ Compensation Claim
In this claim, an injured person files a claim from workers compensation
insurance. In this claim they don’t have to file a lawsuit against the
The US law has enough provisions to provide workers injured at
construction sites. The workers injured at work are eligible for workers
compensation benefits. Such workers can be compensated for lost wages and
medical expenses. If their injury also needs rehabilitation, this too is
covered under this claim.
Also Read
Choosing A Workers Compensation Attorney – A Complete Guide
Wrongful Death Claim
If a worker dies at the construction site, the family of the victim, can
file a wrongful death claim against those whose negligence has resulted in
Every state in the US, has a law for wrongful death claim that clearly
defines who can sue who under what condition. Your construction accident lawyer
can better guide on this.
How To Hire a Construction Accident Lawyer
Have you or any of your family members have got injured while working at
a construction site? Have one of your family members of relatives have died
working at the site? If the answer is yes, you must look for legal assistance.
A construction accident lawyer can help you in this regard. Here is how to find
the right construction accident attorney.
Ask for References
Despite having several means of communication and omnipotent search
engines, word of mouth is still a powerful form of recommendation. Has anyone
in your broad social circle has hired a construction accident lawyer to fight
his case? They must have searched for a lawyer for this purpose. Ask him for
his recommendation and he will be more than happy to advise you on this.
Consult Directories
Some reputed organizations publish directories that categorically lists
lawyers along with their ratings. You should check some popular directories in
your locality. Search for the top construction accident lawyers in your area
and these directories will serve you with answers.
Search Engine is Your Friend
Search engines could be of great help if you are looking for a good
construction accident lawyer. Search the term construction accident lawyers
near me and your find several options. You can also do profile search for given
lawyers so that you can have a good idea about them.
Be Budget Conscious
Budget is an important consideration while hiring a construction
accident lawyer. Good lawyers come for a good price and you shouldn’t settle
for a mediocre lawyer as a mediocre lawyer doesn’t bring mediocre results but
no result.
Meet Your Lawyer
Once you have shortlisted some lawyers it is time to meet them. Ask what
they can do for you. Also ask what you can expect in your situation. If you
find the answer satisfying only then you should consider them. Else you should
look for other options.
You should also check the comfort level between you and your lawyer.
FAQ – Questions and Answers
What is the time limit for filing an injury claim?
For personal injury claims, you must notify your employer withing 30
days of accident. You will be given certain time to claim your benefit.
If you are willing to file a lawsuit you should file it within three
years of accident. Exceeding the time limit will sabotage your chances of
getting the benefits.
What kind of documents your construction accident lawyer will collect?
As you hire a construction accident lawyer to represent you in the
court, he will collect a number of documents to represent you in the court.
These documents are as follows.
- He will get access to police reports.
- He will collect injury records.
- He will also get access to medical records.
- He will get photos of accident site.
- He will also record witness statements.
- He will get access to OSHA investigation report.
- Prior proof of violation will also be collected.
- You attorney will also collect information about all the workers
available on the scene. - He will also go through the workers compensation policies and insurance
policies of the company. - In addition, he will also check the safety records, inspection records
and other documents that might be necessary.