Pest Control Services: Find the Right Exterminator


you seen cockroaches in your kitchen, termites damaging your furniture and
rodents biting over the internet cables? These experiences are anything but
pleasant. You must be looking for a pest control service to keep these evils
out. Pests not only irritate you but also interrupt your routine. Not to say
you would be looking for effective control against them. But before we proceed
further and hire a pest control service let us discuss its various aspects.

Pest Control Services

is Pest Control Necessary?

your household is also going through a pest problem you need effective control
as soon as possible. You can’t delay it for long. Here we give compelling
reasons why pest control is important.

Spread Diseases

of the major reasons you should look for a pest control service is that pests
are able to spread diseases. They spread diseases by biting and stinging. Some
pests are carriers of parasites, bacteria and other pathogens. Some other pests
spread diseases through excreta, hair and other body parts. Here we describe
some of the common diseases spread by pests.

which have a very common presence in our homes spread diseases like typhoid,
salmonella and dysentery. Besides, they also cause food poisoning.

role of mosquitoes in spreading disease hardly needs an introduction. Malaria,
dengue and chikungunya are common diseases spread by mosquitoes; However, West
Nile virus is the most common mosquito-borne disease.

and Mice

and mice also spread diseases. Hantavirus is one of the measure diseases caused
by white-footed deer mouse. The urine and saliva of rodents also cause
infection. Bubonic plague, salmonellosis and Rat Bite Fever are some of the
common diseases caused by rats and mice.


droppings of birds can also lead to health hazards. Some of the major diseases
include respiratory diseases like Salmonella and histoplasmosis.

or Bees

are not known for being the career of disease but they are feared for their
stinging and aggression. Generally, they don’t attack unless provoked. But
there are some people who can die of a bee sting or wasp sting if they are
allergic to it. So you need to hire an exterminator to remove them.


are commonly found in hotels, homes and hospitals. Bedbugs were extinct in the
US but now they are again being found. Bedbugs can transmit a parasite named
Trypanosoma Cruzi which is responsible for chagas disease.

Damage Property

control is essential as the pests cause damage to property. Some pests like
termites and carpenter ants bring losses to property. These pest hides in walls
and causes much damage even you find out. Some pests like silverfish and carpet
beetles love to munch on fibres so they feed on your belongings. Some of the
major belongings at risk are carpets, clothes and blankets. So, if you are also
facing such problems then you should consult a good pest control service that
is well conversant will different aspects of pest control. Such a service takes
stalk of the situation before providing you with the solution.

  • Rodents
    can bite on electrical cable insulations that may lead to a fire. Possum also
    causes a similar threat.

  • Your
    building can get damaged due to bird dropping as they are acidic in nature.

  • In
    the same vein, termites cause damage to the wooden structure of your building.

and Health

control is required in the home as well as in commercial settings. Any
organization or commercial body dealing in the business of food should get
effective pest control. Cockroaches and rodents are common appearances across
kitchens. Their presence may contaminate the food items. Besides, there could
be other pests like odorous house ants and indianmeal moths that need to be
removed. Such pests eat on common edible available in your kitchen. Most of
these pests carry diseases so they could be health hazards too.

You Stress-Free

seeing a cockroach or rodent can make you stressed. A home without pests enjoys
a good environment. You will get stressed when you see a rodent in your
kitchen, a bedbug on your bed or a cockroach in the corners of your home will
be an ugly sight. 

Also Read

Bed Bug – Signs, DIY Removal Tips and Hiring Exterminators

to Ask Your Pest Control Company

control is one of the important decisions to make as a lot depends upon this
decision. The health, hygiene and safety of your property depend on it so you
should take this decision carefully. You need to assess your exterminator in
every aspect.

Long they Have Been Operating?

selecting an exterminator, you should ask how many years they are in existence.
With more years of experience, they would be better equipped to pest control at
your home or your commercial establishment. Do they have experience in
controlling every kind of pest? Do they provide warranty or guarantee for their
work? Here we are not saying that you should never consider a new company but
what we are saying to ensure a company has experienced exterminators.

they Licensed?

everyone is authorized to offer a pest control service. Any firm or company
interested in offering an extermination service have to take a license from the
authorized bodies. A pest control company must be licensed and insured.
Insurance is needed to cover the damage, if any, done during the pest control.

They Have Trained Technicians

control requires to be done by experienced technicians. So, you should ask
whether they have a team of technicians. You should ask about the training of
the technicians. There are several training schools imparting pest control
training to technicians. Ask if the technicians providing the pest control
services are trained enough.

About the Procedure

are not an expert and it is why you have decided to engage a pest control
company. So, you should ask about the procedures. Having a well laid out
procedure is the basic difference between an experienced and an inexperienced
pest control service.

They Provide Warranty

of the reputed pest control services provide a warranty or guaranty for their
work. Because sometimes a single treatment is not enough. Some companies also
provide treatment if the pests return in a particular period of time. If they
offer you a contract you should read every small detail of it before signing
it. it is wise to go for a company that offers the best guarantee.

kinds of pesticides they are offering?

engaging an exterminator, you should ask him the kinds of pesticides they are offering.
Kids and pets are allergic to some pesticides and your service provider must
know it. They should come with pesticides that shouldn’t have adverse effects
on kids and pets. Some companies also use eco-friendly pesticides and you should
check with your company whether they are providing it or not.

They Find the Source of Infestation?

of the exterminators deal with symptoms only. It is not a permanent solution as
the problem keeps returning every few years. You can’t find a lasting solution unless
you clean the breeding places of termites, insects and rodents. Before engaging
them, you should ask them to find the source of the infestation. If they are
not able to find it, or if they are doing guesswork then you should consider
looking for another exterminator.

They Monitor it?

pests can be exterminated with a single treatment while others need repeated
applications. The efficacy of the treatment depends on the kind of building,
climatic conditions and the way you handle the property. Some good companies
keep monitoring the treatment and prevent a new infestation. Ask your service
provider if they provide continuous monitoring. If they say that their jobs end
with a single treatment, they are not worth considering. You should prefer one
that monitors the process.

to Select a Pest Control Company

plight of having pests in your home can be only understood by those who have
this problem. They often engage in pest control service and soon find that it
is not effective. So, hiring a pest control company is a difficult task. Here
we tell how to select a company.

for Qualification

control is a technical job that should be carried out by a team of qualified
technicians. You should check where they are licensed to carry out the
extermination work. If you are suspicious about their license, you can check
their credentials from the state pesticide regulatory office.

regulations, products and techniques of pest control keep changing and a good
company keep its team informed about the changing practices in extermination.
Check if they keep their staff informed. Check if they have a certified
entomologist in their team.

Their Credentials

you are asking for qualified professional with proper licensing you should
check their credentials. Don’t just believe their words. State authorities
issue a license, and you should ask them where they have got a license. You
should verify this license from the concerned authorities. You have every right
to check their license as you are entrusting them with an important task.

are different types of licenses. Some licenses can be obtained by simply paying
a fee while for some others a minimum hour of training or education is
required. You should also check how often this certificate expires.


and training are good but nothing can beat the experience. A professional pest
control company should have experience in several years. Excellence comes with
experience. So, you must look for a service which has experience of several
years. Even if it is a new company the staff should have several years of
experience carrying out extermination task.


deeds bring reputation and it is an affirmation that the company has an
excellent track record. Go for a company, your friends, neighbors and
acquaintance talk high about. You shouldn’t be carried away by the flashy
advertisement given by the service providers. Check from the authorities if
there is any complaint filed against the firm.


support is essential for any kind of business as it is where customers convey
their opinions and concerns. Customers may want to know about the details of
your services, give feedback about the services done and complaints if any.
Satisfactory redressal of complaints will add to your company’s reputation.

customers ask for suggestions for the problems are they are facing. Such
customers can be converted into paying customers with good customer support.

Safety Arrangements

is one of the major concerns when people think about a pest control service.
You should check whether your service provider is carrying out the pest control
in a low toxic manner. Such a company should have an insurance cover that
covers you, your property and staff carrying out the pest control work. You
should check whether they will be wearing protective clothes during work. They
should have enough arrangements to guard you against toxic exposure.


technician should tell you about the kind of chemicals he is using. Some
chemicals have adverse effects on your property, pets and children. You should
check if they have any non-chemical option. The technicians should reveal the
data about the effects of chemicals used.

are several things about a company that can be verified. But what if you are
not comfortable working with them. if you find that technicians from a
particular service provider are irritating or you are not comfortable working
with them you should avoid hiring them.


the work is completed, your technician should be able to document the work
done. They should document the work completed, follow up action and any other
thing related to the work. The cost incurred should also be mentioned here.

Control – Some Valuable Tip

hiring a good pest control company, you have several other things to do. Here
we list some important tips exclusively for you.

  • Sometimes
    technicians may ask you to remove pets and personal belonging from the area to
    be exterminated. You should remove them before the work starts.

  • You
    should make sure that pets and children shouldn’t visit the area unless it is
    dried up.

  • If there is an aquarium in the area to be
    treated then it should be removed. If it is not able to remove it, then it should
    be covered well and the pump should be turned off.

  • There
    are times when you come across a service provider who will offer you to do pest
    control as a package deal. Some will offer a reduced price if the package is
    taken immediately. Beware of such offerings.

  • If
    you stay away from home and your parents at home, you should only send a
    verified pest control, a service that is well known for its safety records. You
    should check their identification and registration before sending them home.

  • Beware
    of the pest control companies who claim to have a secret formula. Allow only to
    use those products that are permitted under US law.

  • There
    are pest control services that thrive on fears. They say that your building
    will collapse if the pest control is not done soon. You shouldn’t hire them.

  • There
    are service providers who claim to have material left from the previous jobs
    and they can do it cheaply. Avoid such service providers.

  • There
    are some who claim to have been endorsed by the authorities. The US authorities
    don’t endorse any particular service or product.

  • You
    should get a contract in writing. You shouldn’t believe in verbal promises.

Asked Questions

pest control services worth the money?

hiring a pest control service, you are hiring a service that is specialized in
controlling the pest in an effective manner. It saves our home from further
damage and makes it worth livable. With such a respite the prices paid to a
pest control company it worth it.

is the average cost of pest control?

cost of pest control depends upon the area and the kind of pest control
services taken. However, it ranges between $100-300.

is the common methods of pest control?

most common method for pest control is the use of pesticides. With the use of
pesticides, you can kill the pest or check its growth. There are specific
pesticides for each pest.

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