In a time when we
are busy with our jobs and careers, getting time to take them to take a dog to
a spa or salon is difficult. Here a mobile dog grooming could be an ideal
solution. In such a grooming a mobile van with a dog groomer and all essentials
come to your home and groom your dog as required. 

Mobile dog grooming

What is Mobile
Dog Grooming? Meaning and Definition

Mobile dog
grooming can be defined as a service that uses a well-equipped mobile van to
perform dog grooming at your doorsteps. The service is ideally suited for dog
owners who don’t have time to visit a dog spa or salon often. Here what you
have to do is to search mobile dog groomers near me in a search engine and
schedule an appointment. Your dog will be groomed at your doorsteps.

Benefits of
Mobile Dog Grooming

Mobile dog
grooming has become popular in recent years as it comes with a number of
benefits. Some of you might be receiving this service for the first time. For
you, we are listing the major benefits of mobile grooming.


Dog grooming
comes with its own share of stress for you as well as your dog. You take your
dog to the salon in a different environment than you own. Here you and your dog
find a place in a crowded space with unfamiliar voices. All these make you

On the contrary,
a mobile dog groomer offers the same services at your doorstep. Your dog is
groomed in a relaxed environment without a cage. Your dog gets one-on-one
attention without feeling insecure.

More Attention to

In the crowd of a
do spa, your dog may not get proper attention. A groomer should pay great
attention to a dog, particularly an older dog. Your dog may have a chronic
health problem that may make it uncomfortable in a crate or cage.

Such problems can
be avoided by resorting to mobile grooming where your older dog will be groomed
at your doorstep without a cage. The groomer will provide more attention making
your dog feet at home. To hire one you should just search mobile groomers near
me and talk to one that best suits you.

Safety from

As a mobile dog
groomer comes to your home to offer services, you and your dog is less likely
to get infected due to other dogs and people in a spa-like setting.

With mobile
grooming your dog will remain safe from ticks, fleas, and other diseases that
might spread through unvaccinated dogs while you won’t be exposed to covid and
other infectious diseases from people in the spa.

Saves Your Time

One of the major
benefits of seeking a mobile grooming service is that it saves time. With
traditional grooming, you are given an appointment and you have to take your
dog to the groomer and wait for your turn. Some pups are not comfortable with
the transit and they create a nuisance.

On the other
hand, a mobile dog groomer comes to your place to provide services. Here you
don’t have to take your dog to a spa and wait there. Such a service saves you
lots of precious time that could be productive. You can easily find them by
searching mobile groomers near me.

Handle Multiple

If You have
multiple dogs at home then a mobile pet grooming service is ideal for you. With
such a service, you don’t have to visit a dog grooming salon multiple times,
each time carrying a new dog.

Disadvantages of
Mobile Dog Grooming

If you think that
hiring a mobile dog grooming is all advantage then you are painting a too rosy
picture as there are also some advantages attached to it. Here we describe the
major cons of mobile dog grooming.

It’s Expensive

Taking the
services of a mobile pet groomer is more expensive than regular services. As
mobile groomers have to take their vehicles along with all their equipment, the
costs of bringing these facilities to your doorstep will add to your bill. 

Traveling issues

Traveling is a
major issue when you hire a mobile dog grooming. They have to negotiate heavy
traffic to reach you. At times they may be delayed and can’t reach you as
scheduled. To avoid this you should always hire a groomer living near you. Find
them by searching mobile dog groomers near me.

Limited Slots

People look for
mobile dog grooming services as they are hard-pressed for time. But as the
mobile dog grooming services have to wander from one place to another, they are
always short of slots on weekends and non-office hours. If you are living far
from the city center you may face scheduling issues.

Small Grooming

Mobile dog
groomers have to work out of very small spaces that are sometimes may not be
sufficient for large breeds. As they have to carry a lot of equipment, they have
little space left to groom dogs. As they have little space, they have to stop
you from entering into their van citing the space reasons.

Parking Issues

Mobile dog
groomers operate out of well-equipped large vehicles.  Needless to say, it is hard for you to find
parking spaces as you might be living on a busy road. Some societies also don’t
give permission to these vehicles. So, you should check whether you have space
or local law permits you to do so.

Services Included
in Mobile Dog Grooming

A mobile dog
groomer offers a number of services to groom your dog better. Here is what is
included in mobile dog grooming.

Bathing and

With bathing and
conditioning, a dog groomer ensures that your dog is properly washed, cleaned,
and refreshed. They make your dog smell good. If you are looking for wash only
then you should search mobile dog wash near me.

Teeth Brushing

Teeth brushing is
one of the most ignored parts of dog grooming. An experienced mobile groomer
that comes to your house properly brushes the teeth of your dog to reduce
plaque, improve gum and make your pet’s breath better.

Nail Trimming

Nail trimming has
also been a difficult task for many a dog owners. It can’t be better done than
a mobile dog groomer coming to you and trimming your dog’s nail in front of

Ear Cleaning

Ear cleaning has
been an important area of expertise for many dog groomers. With this, you can
improve the hearing ability of your dog and keep it away from parasites and
bacterial growth.

Haircutting and

Whether or dog
has long or short hair, curly or straight hair; these hairs must be cut and
styled to give a pleasing and stylish look. A mobile dog groomer can come to
you to cut and style your dog’s hair.

Also Read

Dog Grooming
Tips (DIY) – How to Groom a Dog on Your Own

Support Mobile
Dog Groomer May Demand

Most of mobile
dog groomers carry everything for their requirements. But there are certain
things that they might demand from you. Here is the list.

Provide Them
Parking Space

Mobile dog
groomers come to your place with a moderate size but well-equipped van. So,
their first and foremost demand from you is to provide them with the parking
space. Provide them with a parking space where they can thoroughly groom your
dog. If they have to change the place every 10 minutes then they won’t be able
to finish the work in time.

Basic Information

As a dog groomer
comes to your doorstep, he might need some basic information from your side to
assess your dog. They may ask a number of questions about your expectation and
your dog’s requirements so that they can devise a better grooming plan. You
should convey to them the kind of grooming you want and your pick for the
hairstyle of your dog.  If you need tick
treatment or some type of shampoo therapy then you should convey the matter to
your mobile groomer.

Items for Hygiene

In general,
mobile groomers carry everything of their use along with them. But there are
times some groomers demand special services from them for which groomers are
not well prepared. In such a situation, you should be ready to provide supplies
and equipment to them.  For example, if
you want a special kind of conditioner to be used that is not in the supply of
a groomer, you should be ready to provide it.

Take your Dog for
Bathroom Needs

Dog have their
unique requirements that owners know better. Depending on the kind of services
you are seeking your mobile groomer may ask you to take your dog for pee or
defecation. If such a need arises between the session, it would be interrupted.


Most of the
mobile dog groomers want to work in a peaceful and calm area but it is hard to
find in urban areas or areas close to the city center. But you should look for
its possibility. If construction work is in progress in your locality, you
should schedule your appointment after the work stops.

How to Choose the
Right Mobile Grooming Services

Despite having a
large number of dog groomers near you, finding the right dog groomer has always
been a difficult task. Here we offer valuable tips on how to select the right
mobile groomer for your dog.

Check Out the

Every service
looks shining at the surface till you scratch to find the bare truth. Before
you finalize them, you should know the kind of services they offer, their
reputation and accident if any. You should also check about how long this
mobile grooming service is in existence. Beware of open and shut shops.

Talk to Groomer

It is the mobile
groomer who will groom your dog so he must be good with the dog handling
skills.  You should talk to him to check
whether he is affectionate patient and gentle with dogs.

Besides, he
should also be comfortable answering your questions and concerns about the grooming
of your dog.

Fee is important

The fee is an
important consideration while selecting a mobile grooming service. Always look
for a service that offers true value for your money. Give preference to a
mobile groomer with a transparent pricing model.

Look for

You are looking
for a mobile dog grooming service that is convenient. As you don’t want to bear
the pain of putting your dog into a crate or carrier and waiting for long it is
why you have opted for a mobile dog groomer. So, you should look for a service
that suits your busy schedule. Your mobile dog groomer should be ready for
early morning, late evening, or weekend appointments.

Knowledge of

While choosing a
mobile dog grooming you should not only see its mobility part but expertise as
well. You should check whether the groomer has expertise over your breed of
dog. Different breeds have different requirements and your prospective groomer
must be well conversant with your breed.

Hire a Consistent

Some dogs get
comfortable with a particular groomer if he keeps grooming on a consistent
basis. If your dog is comfortable with a particular groomer, you should give
preference to a groomer who is able to provide it on a consistent basis.

Go Through the

Reviews are an
ideal way to know about the efficacy of the services. You should always go
through the reviews available on the major review websites.  You can also check the social media pages of
the service provider where customer voice their sentiments.

Also Read

Choosing the
Right Dog Groomer – Read before you Decide

Factor That
Affects Mobile Grooming Prices

Mobile dog
grooming prices vary due to a number of factors. Here we discuss top factors
that affect mobile grooming prices.

Dog Size is Important

Dogs with large
sizes take longer to groom. They require more shampoo, more cleaning and more
effort. German Shepherds, Huskies, and Sheepdogs fall in this category. On the
other hand, mobile dog groomers charge less for breeds like Pug or a Chihuahua.

It Depends on

Some breeds have
more thick and curly fur than others. It requires more brushing and care than
others. Poodles and Bichon Frise have thick and curly furs while Boxers or
Italian Greyhounds have small and smooth furs. No doubt, breeds that need more
attention incur more costs for mobile grooming.

Services Taken

The types of
services taken also have a direct bearing on the prices of mobile dog grooming.
If you add more services like teeth brushing, nail cleaning, and tick removal among
the others, the prices are bound to rise.

Locality is

The price of
mobile dog grooming also depends a lot on the area you live in. If you are
living in a big city like New York, Los Angeles, or Houston then you will end
up paying more than those living in suburban areas.

Dog Temperament

Most dogs are
resistant to grooming and they are not easy to be tamed by even an experienced
groomer. At times some dogs get aggressive and end up biting groomers. Such
incidents incur losses. It is only natural that your mobile groomers will
demand more.

These are the
common factors that determine grooming prices. If you are looking for
cost-effective options then you should search for cheap mobile dog grooming
near me. But while hiring such a service you should make sure that your dog’s
health, safety and security shouldn’t be compromised.

Mobile Dog
Grooming: Frequently Asked Questions

Dog owners have
many queries while choosing a mobile dog grooming service. Here we answer the
most convincing queries in a convincing manner.

Why does mobile
grooming cost more than general grooming?

In a mobile dog
grooming, a groomer comes to your home carrying a van that is designed to be a
grooming salon. He carries all the equipment and supplies to groom your dog at
your home. It adds to your convenience and hence the prices are worthwhile.

Should I check
certification or license?

Although a
certification or license is not mandatory. But if your mobile groomer is
carrying one, it is better.

What type of
products do they use?

Usually, they use
standard products but you should remain vigilant about that as some groomers
can also use cheap variants of that products. You should tell if your dog is
allergic to a particular cosmetic.

Do I have to put
my dog in a cage?

No, it happens
when you take your dog to a dog salon where there is a que and your dog has to
wait. As a dog groomer is coming to you for your dog, he will allow your dog to
walk it in the van before grooming starts.

How long does the
process of grooming take?

It depends on
several factors that include size, breed and the kind of services if any. If
you have requested more services then time is bound to increase. In general, it
takes 1-2 hours but it may increase depending on requirements.

Can a mobile dog
groomer groom my dog with special needs?

Most of the dog
groomers are able to groom dogs with special needs as they have special
equipment to handle them.

Can I See my dog
being groomed?

Yes, you can see
them being groomed. But there are times when the space inside the van is too
small. In that case, you may not be able to get into the van.

Do I have to
provide water and electricity to mobile vans?

No.  The mobile dog grooming vans are
self-sufficient. They have water tanks and inverters to meet their water and
power needs. 

Also Read

Dog Grooming –
Finding a Dog Groomer Made Easy

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