Thursday Motivation – 7 Books That Can Transform Your Life


Thursday motivation could be important for those working in offices
throughout the week. As it is the fifth day of the week, a sense of fatigue and
laziness starts creeping in and you need motivation to maintain steady
performance. Here books on Thursday motivation could be an ideal way to remain
motivated. Moreover, there are other options like video podcasts and quotes but
nothing is as effective as books. Authors from across the world have leveraged
their expertise to come up with motivational books that are just right for
different occasions. Here we throw light on the best books on Thursday
motivation. Read it and select one that just meets your requirements. 

Thursday Motivation

The Thursday Speeches: Lessons in Life, Leadership, and Football from
Coach Don James by Peter G Tormey

Be it war, work or game, you need to be highly motivated to win at them.
So, it is not unusual to seek motivation from sports which is part play and
part motivation. The book is creatively written in an inspiring way with
several pregame speeches and stories part of it. The book revolves around a
university team that won a title that was not even in their eyes. This is the
story of the transformation of a team through hard work, determination and
courage to accept the challenge. This is the story of Don James a football
coach who coached the football team of the University of Washington in 1974 to
win the Rose Bowl, a title they had not won since 1963. The book offers
valuable insight on how a team or an organization or a person can be
transformed to success with the right mindset. Couldn’t it be the right book
for Thursday motivation?

Immediate Action: A 7-Day Plan to Overcome Procrastination and Regain
Your Motivation by Thibaut Meurisse

Are you a master procrastinator and keep stalling the work for tomorrow?
Then there will come a time when you have a pile of work and very little or no
time to complete it. And even if you do the work the purpose of doing it has
already been defeated. So, if you are also someone who believes in postponing
Thursday’s work for coming Monday then you should immediately read a book on
Thursday motivation or get expert help.

Immediate Action by Thibaut Meurisse is one such book that goes to the
reasons of procrastination and finds practical ways to deal with it. The book
has several simple yet effective action plans that help you handle the urge to
procrastinate. From de cluttering your minds to focusing on the goal at hand and
eliminating distraction to checking leakage of energy, the book has several
strategies to get rid of procrastination and emerge victorious.

Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-love Is the Key to Unlocking Your
Greatness by Vex King

Good Vibes, Good Life by Vex King is replete with wisdom which if used
perfectly can transform your life. The book shows you the ways to love yourself
which is at the core of happiness. It is why we have chosen it as one of the
best books on Thursday motivation. It offers effective strategies to convert
negative energy into positive energy that ensures lasting happiness.

As Vex King has himself fought several adversities to get where he is
today, his words hold meaning. His worst experiences in life have taught him
several lessons that he offers to you. His suggestions like putting emphasis on
self-care and well-being and overcoming negative energy are valid in any kind
of situation. He wants you to develop healthy habits, practice meditation, and
exercise mindfulness. With teachings on setting your higher goal, finding ways
to achieve them, and acting on it helps it find a place in our 7 books for
Thursday motivation. The popularity of this book can be understood by the fact
that it has been a Sunday Times bestseller.

The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before
8AM by Hal Elrod

Are you looking for morning motivation on Thursday or any other day and
searching for a book for that purpose? Then you should try The Miracle Morning
by Hal Elrod. The book has been admired as one of the best life-changing books
available. The book is changing the lives of several professionals worldwide
through its lessons on how to get more energy, how to find great motivation and
how to focus on with greater precision. 

The Miracle Morning is replete with several valuable lessons and quotes
on how to wake up with great energy, get success and be even more successful if
you are already a success. The book’s focus is not only limited to productivity
but it covers other areas of life that include health, social life and finances
among the others. It is why when we call it one of the best books on Thursday
motivation then you have no reason to doubt it.

Motivation: The Brian Tracy Success Library by Brian Tracy

When it comes to motivational books, Brian Tracy has very few parallels.
While looking for the right books on Thursday motivation we came across this
book which has been helping business leaders to motivate their team and get
high productivity. So, if you are a business owner or manager you might have
several responsibilities that include creating a positive work environment in your
office. Brian Tracy has expertise over problems like this.

This gem from the author gives you practical solutions on how to reduce
absenteeism, get the task completed in time, and instill a sense of
belongingness in your employees. So, if you are looking for a personal
motivation coach and not finding one, then this book may act as your personal

1000+ Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently by MARC and

Should we call this a book, a listicle or compilation of tips, whatever
you may choose to call it this book by CHERNOFFs has the potential to transform
of your life. The author duo has been helping several professionals across the
world with their personal and professional problems. The book is a compilation
of more than a thousand things that should be done right to bring qualitative
changes in your life. No doubt we have chosen it as our one of the best books
on Thursday motivation.

The book has time-tested advice on how to handle failures, strengthen
relationships, and pay attention to yourself. The book also offers tip on how
to follow your passion to get successful in your chosen field.

Mindful Zen Habits: From Suffering to Happiness In 30 Days by Marc
Reklau, Manuel Villa

Is a hectic lifestyle taking a toll on you and you are looking for a
respite from it? Do you want to live a life that is happy, positive and
relaxed? Are you feeling burned out, fatigued and exhausted and want to thrive
again? If the answer of any of these questions is yes, then Mindful Zen Habits
appears to be just written for you. The authors have a great understanding of
these subjects so you can expect answers from them.

But do you believe in changing your life in just a month? The author duo
answers in affirmation. According to them, this change is possible by a change
in habits. The book suggests some behavior changes that if followed religiously
can bring profound changes in your life. We picked this book as one of the top
books on Thursday motivation as it brings a spiritual approach to motivation.

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Friday Motivation – 7 Books to Help You Get More Successful

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Wednesday Motivation – 7 Books That Motivate You Like a Pro

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