Tuesday Motivation – 7 Books to Make Your Tuesday Enriching


You might have come across phrases like Tuesday motivation or Tuesday
feeling and wondering how do they make sense. Yes, they make sense. Let us
understand with an example. The workweek has already started and it is the
second day – Tuesday. You might have some projects, important presentations and
important deals to seal but you are not feeling like going to work. Is anything
wrong with you? Yes, you are lacking motivation. There are quotes, sayings and
short stories to motivate you, but nothing motivates like books. Here we list
top book on Tuesday motivation.

Tuesday Motivation

Tuesdays With Morrie: An old man, a young man, and life’s greatest
lesson by Mitch Albom

If you are looking for the right book for Tuesday motivation then
Tuesdays with Morrie could be the right option. The book is filled with several
quotes of wisdom. In one such quote, the author says, “what if today were my
last day on earth?”

Mitch Albom offers several such quotes to motivate you on Tuesday. In
another quote, he says that love always wins. No one will disagree with it. The
great author doesn’t stop here as he goes on saying very rational things. In
one such motivational quote, he asks you to pour your heart, offer something to
your community, stay at peace with yourself and be human. Can you find better
Tuesday motivation quotes?

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Simply Tuesday: Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World by Emily P.

Simply Tuesday has been written for those who remain extremely busy
throughout the week and want to live a relaxed life. The book suggests
time-tested ways to slow down, experience the power of now and appreciate
simple things in life. As per Emily, Tuesday is the most ordinary day of the
week and it is the day for some soul searching. It offers you some laidback
moments where you can relax, observe and experience the joy of simple things.
It offers tools and techniques that may not boost your finances but can boost
your soul as well.

As you finish this book you will have a good understanding of how to
stop fearing Tuesdays and go for small yet important things even if they are
not bringing you instant results. You will learn how to live in the present and
bid adieu to the fast pace of your life. There are several quotes like this
that can make it to your Tuesday motivation quote list.

At Work As In Heaven: One CEO’s Journey to Make Sunday Matter on Tuesday
by Scott Ryser

At Work As in Heaven brings a paradigm shift to Tuesday Motivation.  Scott Ryser has himself worked as a CEO and
this story is his very own. So, discarding it as a work of fiction won’t be
that easy. He played an instrumental role in the growth of this company. Things
started changing when he gave his life to Jesus. Since then, he has been
working in accordance with his faith. Later he founded his own company and
named it Yakabad which means God’s glory. Then he started facing questions like
can a company glorify God. He realized that God has a different game plan and
things work differently in God’s kingdom. At Work As In Heaven is an excellent
read for those looking for a spiritual kind of Tuesday motivation inspirational

Mindset: The New Psychology for Success by Carol S. Dweck

The importance of this book can be understood by the fact that Microsoft
CEO Satya Nadella gifted copies of it to his employees. Carol S. Dweck, a
psychologist by profession, says that our mindset plays a great role in our
success. She throws light on fixed mindset vs growth mindset. In a quote from
this book, she says that our idols and superheroes are not born with
extraordinary power, instead, they are ordinary persons who did extraordinary
things. No doubt this book is a bestseller and an ideal resource for Tuesday

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

When it comes to motivation,
books from Norman Vincent Peale have no parallels. The Power of Positive
Thinking is one such book from the great author. This one of the best books on
positive thinking has everything to take you from dark to light even if you
don’t have enough resources to fight out at that moment.

Normal Vincent Peale has great command on human behavior. In one of
these quotes in the book, he says that human being has a tendency to be ruined
by praise than saved by criticism.

He has extensively written on happiness. As per a quote from his book,
our happiness depends upon the habits we make. The book unleashes the power of
positive thinking in a simple yet engaging manner.

In short, it is one of the
must-have books on Tuesday motivation to be kept in your personal library.

Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

Who Moved My Cheese is a one-of-a-kind book as it prepares you for
ongoing changes in your work and life? Using cheese as a metaphor, the book is
written in the form of a parable the book convincingly deal with different
aspects of life that include work, money relationship and more.

In this book, Spencer Johnson illustrates that nothing is permanent and
one should keep looking for greener pastures even if you have enough resources
to spare. In a quote in this book, the author says that life moves and one
should move accordingly. He put his wisdom in a simple yet actionable manner
when he says, find faults in you, laugh at them and correct them. The quotes of
wisdom offered in the book are not new but what makes this an important book on
Tuesday thought is that it compels you to take action in a persuasive way.

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles

Life’s success, riches and achievements are all about habits and it
won’t be an exaggeration if we use to say that we are a byproduct of our
habits. The book dives deep into the science behind habits and how can they be
changed for good. It has several anecdotes on how life can be changed by
changing habits. No doubt, this book would be a valuable addition to your
Tuesday motivation list.

In one of the quotes in the book, the author talks about how habits can
be shaped. The change could be slow and difficult but with time your habits can
be changed. In another quote, he says that you can’t extinguish a bad habit but
you can certainly change it. The book offers a practical approach to shaping

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