Daycare for Children – Daycare Queries Answered Simply

Daycares always has been an option for many working
parents in the United States as very few parents can bear the cost of
babysitters, baby nurses, nannies and home-based child care. So, if you are
also the parents of a baby or a toddler or a kid looking for a daycare, you
should understand the different aspects of a daycare so that you can take an
informed decision.
Definition – What is Daycare
Daycare center can be defined as a nursery or creche
or a child care where children are looked after properly while their parents are
at work. The Oxford Learner’s dictionary defines daycare or day care as care
for small children, sick or old people during the day away from home. The Longman
Dictionary of Contemporary English defines daycare as the centre where
babies/young children or sick or old people are taken care of during the day
while their family members are busy working.
Benefits of Daycare for Kids
You are paying a big sum admitting your child to a
daycare or infant care and taking every step researching about it. But do you
know its real benefits for your kids? So, if you are one of those parents who
has not made their mind yet, it is relevant for you the know its benefits for
the kids.
It Improves Social and Mental Health
Putting a child in a daycare has its social and mental
health benefits. Here children love to socialize and develop life skills that
comes handly as they grow. In day care they learn skills like how to get along
with others, how to express themselves and how to work as a team.
There are caregivers and trainers to provide them
emotional support. As there is a good system to support and guide them in every
aspect the children grow emotionally strong. Good emotional health is essential
for the success of child.
It Inculcates the Habit of Routine
We make habits and habits make us. It is not be an
exaggeration to say that man is the outcome of their habits. A daycare plays a
great role in developing routine among children.
They know the right time to wake up, breakfast, lunch/dinner
and sleep. Children learn other habits like self-care, safety and hygiene.
Developing such habits plays a pivotal role in the
growth of child at an adult stage.
Learning How to Live in a Community
Learning how to live in a community is essential for
the growth of a child. As a child learn to live with people from varied
background, he learns the essential skills of how to live in a community. He
also understands the rules and benefits of living in a community.
Improves Cognitive Developing
Daycare centres have a structured format that helps
kids with cognitive development. The kind of educational exposure they get
boosts their learning. The structure of a day care where consistency, emotional
support and safety are key feature plays a great role in inculcating certain
behavior patterns in kids as they learn to regulate their emotions, solve
problems on their own and control their emotions.
Makes Them School Ready
The structured schedule of a daycare makes children
school ready. Several studies have found that the children who have attended a
daycare find less problem in adjusting at schools. Some studies have established
that the benefits of attending a daycare is not only limited to schools but
for the later stages of life.
Daycare Offers Health Benefits
We have already discussed the social and emotional
benefits of a daycare. But we should also know the physical health benefits of
a daycare. As most states in America require immunization for daycare going
children, they receive complete immunization. All these things impact the child
health positively.
Builds an Independent Personality
As we have said earlier that a daycare shapes the
social and emotional health of a child, now we go further to say that it
instills a sense of independence among them. Here they take their own decisions
and create their own world. They understand that their parents are not there to
support them. Here children do their own activities and learn from their own
They make new friends, indulge in new activities, make
mistakes, and often learn from them. The lessons learnt at this stage stays for
Benefits of Daycare for Parents
The benefits of daycare are not just limited to
children but it is equally beneficial for parents. With such a good facility
looking after their kid parents can get following benefits.
Child Safety is Top Benefit
Child safety is utmost concern for parents. They look
for someone who can care about their child’s safety while they are not at home.
Hiring a house help could be of great help. But is it affordable? Not for most
parents. Hiring a personal help could be costly. Here a daycare centre comes
into play. With a well-founded safety system, they allow parents to
concentrate on work while they would be doing everything to ensure their child
safety. Parents can have peace of mind as their child is in safe hands.
Affordability is the Key
When it comes to looking after a child during the day,
we are left with very few options. Hiring a nanny or a babysitter is not an
option for many. Every parent has a certain budget to spend on such services.
Parents from low- and middle-income groups don’t have budget to hire a nanny
who can look after their kids continuously. In such a scenario, they look for
an affordable facility where children get cared for an affordable fee. Most of
these parents look for a place in a daycare center.
Flexibility is the Key
Not working hours of all the parents are same. They
work alternate shifts. So they need a childcare facility that can adjust with
their needs. Nannies have a fixed schedule. But daycare facilities with all sort
of amenities and robust staff can easily adjust to their needs. Most daycare
facilities start working very early and operate till midnight giving you a
whole array of options.
Makes Good Habits
Daycares are
known for their structure and routine. They create routines and habits among
the children. The child learns to adapt when their parents are not around and
parents adapt to missing their kids.
Instilling Independence
often find themselves shy and reserved while living with parents. But they
start opening while living in a daycare setting where parents are not there to
support to them. The start communicating with other inmates and get
independence. An independent child is a boon for parents as they don’t need to be
watchful always.
of a Daycare
There are
several advantages of sending a child to a daycare. But these daycares are not
without disadvantages. Here we are listing the major disadvantages of daycare.
High Illness
Believe it or
not, high illness rate is one of the major disadvantages. As children are not
able to handle themselves well during an infection, they share their germs with
others. Good daycare centers keep an eye on hygiene but they are still not able
to detect them at an early stage. By the time they find it, it is already late.
Sickness Policies
Some daycare
centres observe extremely strict sickness policies. As soon as they find symptoms,
they stop the entry of children to their premises. The ideal practice is to get
the children examined and if it signifies a disease only then they should be sent
Loss of Wages
to Parents
If the
daycare sends children at home due to illness, the responsibility of taking
care of them lies with parents. This result in loss of work. This affects their
presence of work that ultimately leads to loss of wages.
Most daycare
providers operate in a fixed schedule and parents have no options but to organize
their day accordingly. But the organizations they work don’t comply with this
schedule. If that happens, these daycare centres are of no use for them.
The cost of
some quality daycare centres is very high. So, the people in low-income group
are not able to afford it. So, they have to settle with a mediocre daycare
centre that doesn’t lives up to the expectations.
Qualities of a Good Daycare
While looking for a daycare for their children, people
want nothing but the best. And there are reasons for it as they can leave
nothing to chance when the future of their children is at stake. As children
spend a large part of their childhood in daycare, its qualities have a direct
bearing on social, mental and physical wellbeing of children. Here are valuable
tips on what to look for while choosing a daycare for children.
Environment Should be Great
Environment plays a great role in shaping the behavior
of children. You should look for a daycare home which is well known for a great
environment. The environment of a daycare depends a lot on the qualities and
personal attributes of the personnel working for them. it is why some daycares
are highly particular while hiring their team. The staff there is well trained
to keep them happy and motivated. Look for these features while hiring a
daycare for your children.
Child Safety Should be Priority
Several studies suggest that a safe environment has a
positive impact on physical, social and mental well being of the children. It is
why child safety should be the top most priority for anyone looking for a
daycare for their kids. To meet the expectations,
Staff Should be Qualified
A qualified and trained staff is the backbone of the
success of any daycare because it is they who will shape the personality of
your children. With trained and experienced staff looking after your children,
you can rest assured that your child is getting value education. A well-trained
staff knows how to provide all round care to the children.
Go for Reputation
A lot depends on reputation and you should guard it
with your life. Good reputation comes from good deeds. So, while looking for a
daycare for your children you should go for one with a good reputation.
There are ways to check their reputation. You should go
to client’s testimonials and reviews where customer talk about a particular organization or service. Don’t hesitate doing background checking as the future
of your child is concerned.
They Have All-round Curriculum
A daycare with good curriculum helps in overall growth
of the child. Good daycare centres are equipped with varied syllabus that helps
cultivate the natural interest of the child. As most of these programs are
executed by experienced facility you can be sure that this daycare center is
committed to bring the best from your child. It helps you child make a strong
bond with their teachers that makes them ready for schools.
Good Child to Caregiver ratio
Always go for a daycare with good child to caregiver
ratio, that is there should be more caregivers for evey children. With such a
good ratio your child wlll get personalized attention. There is a recommended
child to caregiver ratio by the National Association for the Education of Young
Children (NAEYC), check if the prospective daycare is following it or not.
Prefer One with Established Rules
It is always good to go for a daycare that has
established rules and regulations. A good daycare always has established rules
and regulation for dealing different aspect of childcare right from handling a
sickness to providing them first and informing their parents. They have an
established set of protocols to safeguard interest of their child.
They are Licensed
Don’t send your child to a daycare center that is not
licensed and authorized. When it comes to legalization, every state in America
has its own rules for legalization.
Licensiing agencies check several things while
granting license to daycare centres. They make sure that the centre is
maintaining standards in terms of safety, quality, and education.
If possible, also go for an accredited day care.
Because these are private agencies that give accreditation. They evaluate them on
various counts before giving them accreditation. So why ignore it.
Cost of Daycare
When it comes to monthly cost or rental of daycare
there is no uniformity. Its varies from city to city and state to state. The
kind of daycare and facilities provided also has a direct bearing on the costs.
Average annual cost of daycare in New York is $21,112,
or about $1,760 per month.
The average annual cost for daycare in San Fransisco is
$29,508 which is $2,459 a month.
The average annual cost for a day in Washington D.C.
is $19,214.
Daycare – Frequently Asked Question
What is the minimum age for daycare in the USA?
Daycares caters to many age groups of children. The
minimum age for admission in daycare is 6 weeks. Infant daycares are catering
to children upto 6 weeks.
When should I start searching for daycare?
The ideal time to start searching for a daycare is
during pregnancy, because daycare
centres are high in demand and have long wait time. There is a limit on the
number of intakes so earlier you start better it is.
What to look for while searching for a daycare?
There are several things to take into consideration
while looking for a daycare. But here a few things you should make a priority.
- Know about caregivers’ qualification
Children to caregivers ratio
Structure and schedule
Licensing and accreditation
Safety arrangements
What are
different types of daycare?
Daycares can
be divived on several types depending on criteria. But here we will be dividing
it in four types. These are as follows.
- Daycare
centre -
daycare -
daycare -
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